Page 56 - CARBEST 2023 EN
P. 56


          MAXIVANS                 F. Ducato/P. Boxer/C. Jumper > Bj 2007  Rigid windows     Weight  Item no. Price
                                                                                             Sliding window
                                                              Outer dimen-  Weight  Item no. Price
                                   Installation  Vehicle lengths
                                   position  (mm)             sion WxH (mm) (kg)             (kg)
        SAFETY   TRANSMIS-  E                5413/5998/6363    1400x665   9,0   316190  159,--  10,5  31619  257,--
        GLASS    SION                                                           316200             31620   257,--
                 18%   ECE R43           **  5413/5998/6363    1434x665   9,0          159,--  10,5
                                             5998/6363         1360x585   8,5   316220  145,--  9,5  31622  243,--
                                             5998/6363         1360x585   8,5   316210  159,--  9,5  31621  251,--
                                             6363              1128x665   7,3   316230  149,--  8,5  31623  244,--
                                             6363              1128x665   7,3   316240  149,--  8,5  31624  244,--
                                             4963/5413/5998/6363  826x665   5,3  31625  98,--        -----
                                             4963/5413/5998/6363  826x665   5,3  31626  98,--        -----
                                       270°                    826x670   5,3    31627  108,--        -----
                                             (For 270° door hinges)
                                       270°  4963/5413/5998/6363   826x670   5,3  31628  108,--      -----
                                             (For 270° door hinges)
                                   MB Sprinter from 2007                 Rigid windows       Sliding window
                                   Installation  Vehicle lengths  Outer dimension    Weight  Item no. Price   Weight  Item no. Price
                                   position  (mm)        W x H (mm)     (kg)                 (kg)
                                             5910/6945/7345 1405x766             -----        12,0  315002 326,--
                                          **  5910/6945/7345 1408x766            -----        12,0  315003 326,--
                                             6945/7345    1416x706       10,5  315001 170,--         -----
                                             6945/7345    1422x766       10,5  315000 170,--         -----
                                   MB Sprinter Bj. 2007-2018
                                             5910/6945/7345 818x800      6,3   315004 179,--         -----
                                             5910/6945/7345 818x800      6,3   315005 179,--         -----
                                   MB Sprinter from 2019
                                             5932/6977/7367 775x775      6,0   315006  193,--
                                             5932/6977/7367 775x775      6,0   315007  193,--

                                   VW Crafter Bj. 2007-2018              Rigid windows       Sliding window
                                   Installation  Vehicle lengths  Outer dimension    Weight   Item no. Price  Weight  Item no. Price
                                   position  (mm)        W x H (mm)     (kg)                (kg)
                                             5910/6945/7345 1405x766             -----       12,0  315002  326,--
                                         **  5910/6945/7345 1408x766             -----       12,0  315003  326,--
                                             6945/7345    1416x706       10,5  315001 170,--         -----
                                             6945/7345    1422x766       10,5  315000 170,--         -----
                                             5910/6945/7345 818x800      6,3   315004 179,--         -----
                                             5910/6945/7345 818x800      6,3   315005 179,--         -----
                                   VW Crafter > Bj 2018
                                             5986/6836/7391 1488x713             -----       11,5  31710  369,--
                                         **  5986/6836/7391 1492x713             -----       11,5  31711  369,--
                                             6836/7391    1455x637               -----       11,0  31712  369,--
                                             6836/7391    1455x702               -----       11,5  31713  369,--
                                             6836/7391    883x682                -----       7,5   31714  349,--
                                             6836/7391    883x682                -----       7,5   31715  349,--
                                             5986/6836/7391 776x649      5,0    31716  155,--        -----
                                             5986/6836/7391 776x649      5,0    31717  155,--        -----

                                   NEW: Ford Transit V 363 > Bj. 2014  Rigid windows         Sliding window
                                   Installation  Vehicle lengths  Outer dimension     Weight   Item no. Price   Weight  Item no. Price
                                   position  (mm)        W x H (mm)     (kg)                 (kg)
                                             5981         1369x754               -----        11,0   31730  349,--
                                         **  5981         1369x754               -----        11,0   31731  349,--
                                             5981         972x723        8,0    31732  205,--        -----
                                             5981         977x729        8,0    31733  205,--        -----
                                             5981         672x718        5,5    31734  185,--        -----
                                             5981         672x718        5,5    31735  185,--        -----

                                   ATTENTION:     **Does not fit vehicles with sliding door on the left.
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