Page 257 - REIMO 2024 EN
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                                       Camping lights with insect killers, for standing or hanging

                                                                                  Foldable LED camping light
                                                                                  With 3.7 V, 1000 mAh Li-polymer battery.
                                                                                  Splash-proof. Lighting levels: 100% light
                                                                                  (lumen ≥ 100 lm) - 50% light (lumen ≥ 50 lm)
                                                                                  - 20% light (lumen ≥ 24 lm) - off. Charging via
                                                                                  micro USB. Cold white light. Dimensions: Ø
                                                                                  52 x 94 mm.  Weight: approx. 167 g
                                                                                                  930615      16,95



                                            Large LED camping light
           Rechargeable camping light       With USB connection and power bank (3.7 V,   Maik - Battery Insect Killer Insects
                                                                                  are attracted by the light and electrocuted when
                                            2000 mAh). Lighting levels: 100% light (lumen ≥
           With 3.7V, 2000mAh Li-polymer battery. Charging 150 Lm) - 50% light (lumen ≥ 70 Lm) - flashing   they touch the grid. With 4 watt fluorescent
           via micro USB. Material: ABS, dims.: 88 x 129   - off. Charging via micro USB. Cold white light.   tube & 230 V charger. Battery charging time 9 /
           mm, weight: app. 205 g           Dimensions: Ø 98 x 138 mm.  Weight: approx.   battery life 7 hours. Dimensions 19 x 9 x 27 cm.
                            83494      24,95 389 g           930614      24,95    Weight 2.2 kg
                                                                                                  903911      14,95

                                              Bird and spider drop-
                                              pings remover

                             FOR APP. 1000    Removes spider and bird
                             APPLICATIONS     droppings quickly and reliably
                                              without removing waxes and
                                              impregnations. Safe for GRP,
                                              aluminum, metal, plastic and
                                                                                                    10 SPIRALS
         Help with mosquito bites                                                                  + 2 HOLDERS
         For quick relief of itchy mosquito bites, stops
         itching and swelling. Works on the piezo princip-  Contents 650 ml    Danger
         le, pressing creates a harmless pulse similar to   For DE, GB, DK   616170   16,95    Anti-mosquito spiral
         an electrostatic charge. No batteries required.    For ES, IT, FR   616171    16,95    10 spirals and 2 holders. For outdoor use only.
         Sufficient for approx. 1000 applications.  For FI, SE, NO   616172    16,95  Smell of glowing scent spiral drives away insects.
         Dimensions 6.3 x 2.4 cm, weight approx. 10 g      GP* 26,08/1 Liter       Glow time per coil 5 - 6 hrs.
                          903920     6,99     Danger: H318                         Danger: H411     90390      3,95
        All items are delivered without decoration.
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